Element Holding starts cooperation with USAID

პარტნიორობის მიზანი სამშენებლო სექტორისა და ქვეყნის ეკონომიკის განვითარებაა

Element Holding has started cooperation with USAID programs: USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program and USAID Economic Governance Program.

The parties have signed subsequent agreements on November 30.    

Under the framework of the USAID Industry-led Skills Development Program, Element Holding is launching a skills development and retraining center.

The partnership aims to improve and support the quality of vocational education, job availability, and economic growth.

The project envisages the launch of 13 authorized programs, the involvement of foreign experts, the reconstruction of premises for an educational center, training and retraining of about 300 students and their employment.

The selection of the programs was made in response to a study of the needs of the construction sector commissioned by Element Holding, in which industry representatives named the in-demand and scarce professions.

Jointly with the Infrastructure Construction Companies Association, Element Holding, under the USAID Economic Management Program, will retrain builders and architects through advanced training. At the same time, specialists trained by foreign experts will conduct informational workshops for the parties interested in different regions of Georgia.

Alongside the introduction of the Eurocodes, the new European Standards, the parties aim to train professionals who will meet the changes with subsequent theoretical and practical backgrounds.

Element Holding and USAID will continue to actively partner in the future to advance the construction sector and economic development of the country.
